Right to education act comes into force

Nine years after the constitution was amended to make the the education a fundamental right, prime minister Manmohan Singh on April 1, declared it in force, citing his own story to emphasise its significance.

The passing of the right of children to free and compulsory education act 2009 give celebrity child the right to quality elementary education.

Main features

  • All children aged 16 to 14 sal have the right to free and compulsory elementary education at a neighbourhood school.
  • No direct school fee or indirect cost uniforms, textbooks, midday meals, transportation need to be borne by the child of parents to obtain elementary education.
  • the government will provide schooling free of cost until a child’s elementary education is completed.
  • All school must comply with certain infrastructure and teachers norms. To trained teachers will be provided for every 60 student at the primary level.
  • No child shall be held back expelled are required to pass in board examination till class 8.
  • There must be 25% reservation for poor childrens even in private and minority school.
  • There must be one teacher for every 30 students
  • School management community must include parents representatives to monitor school functioning.

Nearly 92 lacs children,who had either dropped out of school or never been to any educational institution,will get elementary education has it will be binding on the part of the local and state government to ensure that all children in the age of 6 to 14 age group get schooling.

As per the act,private educational institution should reserve 25% seat for children from the weaker section of the society.

The centre and the state have agreed to share the financial burden into the ratio of 55:45 ,while the finance commission has given rupees 25 crore to the state for the implementing the act, the centre has approved and outlay of rupees 15000 crore for 2010 and 2011.

The school management committee are the local authority will identify the dropouts or out of school children aged above 6 and admit them in a classes appropriate to their age after giving special training. As per the act, the school need to have minimum facilities such as adequate teachers, play ground and infrastructure.

To ensure 25% reservation for children form disadvantage and weaker sections,school will have to disclose the list of children taken in this category as well as ensure the diverse City is maintained.the model rules already said that the state government will undertake household survey and neighbourhood school mapping to ensure that all the children’s are sent to the school.

State Government and local bodies will have to establish primary school within 1 kilometre of the neighbourhood. For children of class 6 to 8, the school should be with 3 kilometre of the neighbourhood. In the absence of a school in a small hamlets, the state governments I’ll make adequate arrangement like free transportation and residential facilities.


  • Amount required to implemented the act over the next five years will be rupees 1.78 lakh crore.
  • India faces a total shortage of 510000 teachers.
  • Government can be sued for not providing free education.
  • 120000 elementary school across the country with only one teacher.
  • 50% dropout rate by class 8 th.
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